Sunday 13 January 2019

Suffolk Coastal and Ipswich Borough's Local Plan Review

Both Suffolk Coastal and Ipswich Councils are planning expansion which will affect you.

Timetable for aligned/joint Local Plan Review

Proposed Submission Plan (final draft plan) published for representations relating to soundness: Winter 2018

At the Extraordinary Meeting of the Council on Thursday 3rd January 2019, the Council approved the Final Draft Local Plan for publication under Regulation 19 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) Regulations 2012 (as amended) to receive representations in relation to soundness. 

Following this decision, the Final Draft Local Plan will be published for a 6 week period to receive representations from Monday 14th January until Monday 25th February 2019.  Further details, copies of the documents and information supporting the publication of the Final Draft Local Plan will be provided on this page in due course.
If you have any queries about the Local Plan review, please contact a member of the Planning Policy and Delivery Team at or telephone 01394 444558/444567.

This is a long document, but page 252-254  is of particular local interest to SOCS.  


This document and consultation should be read alongside Ipswich Borough Council's Plan Review and planned policy map which will soon also go out for consultation. 


View Map here;

IBS Policy Map

Meeting: 27/11/2018 - Executive (Item 81)


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