Land North Of Railway And East Of Henley Road Ipswich Suffolk
The Council has received the above application for reserved details under an outline planning permission.
Submission of Reserved Matters (appearance, layout, landscaping and scale) for Phase 1 Core Infrastructure including primary streets, open space, landscaping, drainage, substations, pumping stations and associated works; in relation to Outline Planning Permission IP/16/00608/OUT comprising up to 1,100 dwellings, local centre, country park, open space, sustainable urban drainage systems, landscaping, infrastructure and engineering works; and 2No. access points from Henley Road and provision of access points for pedestrian/cycle bridge and vehicular bridge over railway.
IP/16/00608/OUT is an EIA Development and an Environmental Statement was submitted with the Outline Application.
Flood Risk Activity Permit I have read all the comments and suggestions posted by the visitors for this article are very fine,We will wait for your next article so only.Thanks!