Ipswich Garden Suburb, Red House
Pre-application consultation
till 12th March 2021
Historical Context which must be taken into account
Ipswich Garden Suburb SPD-which governs what is expected .....
3. Conclusion
(Ipswich Borough Council before Examination process)
There will be no impact on the Red House Parkland through the development of the strategic
Humber Doucy Lane site and it does not represent a material constraint in relation to the Humber
Doucy Lane allocation.
In addition, it has adequately been considered and recognised in the Ipswich Garden Suburb SPD and
must be taken account of through planning applications submitted in the vicinity of the Red House
3. Conclusion
(Ipswich Borough Council before Examination process)
There will be no impact on the Red House Parkland through the development of the strategic Humber Doucy Lane site and it does not represent a material constraint in relation to the Humber Doucy Lane allocation.
In addition, it has adequately been considered and recognised in the Ipswich Garden Suburb SPD and must be taken account of through planning applications submitted in the vicinity of the Red House Parkland.