Saturday 4 February 2017

Henley Gate CREST Planning Proposal - 16/00608/OUT Information for residents on the Crofts - Ashcroft, Larchcroft and Fircroft Road


  1. I live in one of the houses next to the proposed site of the largest tank - where the park entrance is in Fircroft Road. I'm guessing that this will be approved and I accept that these sort of arrangements have to be made if the North Fringe development is to go ahead, which it clearly is. i would be seeking some reassurance that disturbance would be kept to a minimum whilst construction takes place and that there would be no lasting evidence of its presence. It has been suggested that these things have vents and can get rather 'whiffy'on occasions - I do not know if this is the case - i'm no expert but I will not be happy to be reminded of its existance next door on a regular basis. I would suggest, if that is the case, there will be an impact on the house values in the immediate vicinity?? Can these thoughts/concerns be put to the Planning Meeting tomorrow, please?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Stuart, thank you for your interest. As you correctly said, the Outline Planning Application was approved by the Councillor members of the planning committee.
    Only two voted against the proposals, one of whom was your local councillor David Goldsmith ( and fellow Conservative John Carnall. Both raised concerns about the inadequacy and lack of consultation over Foul sewage plans. Rest assured, potential problems were registered with the committee. Most importantly, the current plans are not compliant with and are contrary to the emerging Masterplan (IGS SPD) for this development which goes for approval to the full council on 28th February. Residents could get together, contact and petition their local Councillors, attend the meeting. You will need to get advice before putting a question about this before the Full Council meeting. Questions have to be registered in advance. One of the conditions if this is to go ahead is insistence on odour controls. Ask Roy S next door who knows about this.
