Wednesday 4 April 2018

Ipswich Planning and Development Control Committee on the North Fringe- Ipswich Garden Suburb.

Residents and others' concerns over traffic, congestion, air pollution and lack of remedy on sewage, were effectively "overruled"  in today's decision to grant Outline planning permission to CBRE and CREST.

Permission has been granted with many "Reserve Matters" and other things to sort out.
IBC caught between a rock and a hard place as they have a limited "5 year supply" of houses.

This means that the Tory introduced 2012 "National Planning Policy Framework", not good sustainable planning practice, determines what happens.

Despite the many constraints and problems with the area, outline planning permission has been granted.

SOCS have always maintained that "sustainability" is the real issue and that to date, this has not been demonstrated in the applications.

SOCS objected to both the applications (on sustainability grounds) as did the North Fringe Protection Group, Westerfield Parish Council, Suffolk Wildlife Trust.