Friday 26 March 2021

Consultation on Proposed Changes to the Air Quality Management Areas within Ipswich

Air Quality Reviews DEFRA say must be seen within the context of other local and National Issues like the Climate Emergency

SOCS, the North Fringe Protection Group & others suggest that proposed changes to Ipswich's Local Air Quality Management Areas (LAQMA) should be postponed until more consistent and fuller measured data is available.

We quote from DEFRA;

'The decision to revoke an AQMA should only be taken following a Detailed Assessment or Further Assessment. This should set out in detail all the available information used to reach the decision. In some instances if compelling evidence exists, an AQMA can be revoked following an Updating and Screening Assessment or Progress Report.

Pollutant concentrations may vary significantly from one year to the next, due to the influence of meteorological conditions, and it is important that authorities avoid cycling between declaring, revoking and declaring again, due simply to these variations. 

Before revoking an AQMA on the basis of measured pollutant concentrations, the authority therefore needs to be reasonably certain that any future exceedences (that might occur in more adverse meteorological conditions) are unlikely.

 For this reason, it is expected that authorities will need to consider measurements carried out over several years or more, national trends in emissions, as well as local factors that may affect the AQMA, including measures introduced as part of the Action Plan, together with information from national monitoring on high and low pollution years.'

SOCS' response to the consultation is below;


Appendix A North Fringe Protection Group statement with permission;

Thursday 4 March 2021

Reference to Local Plan recordings which informs the public for the Red House Pre application Consultation

Ipswich Borough Council Local Plan Review 2018-2036 Examination 



Examination Status 

The Examination Hearing closed on Wednesday 16 December 2020. The Hearing sessions were held virtually on Zoom. 

Recordings of each session are available to view on YouTube.The Hearing sessions for week 1 (24-26 November) can be found on the YouTube channel 

Ipswich Borough Council 

and all later sessions (for 8-10 and 15-16 December) on the YouTube channel 

IBC Planning


Further details of the Hearing are set out below.

At the close of the Hearing, the Inspectors asked the Council to submit a revised schedule on the deliverability of sites comprising the first 5 years’ supply of housing land, updated evidence on the need for and supply of gypsy and traveller accommodation, and a consolidated set of suggested main modifications dealing with the changes to the Plan discussed at the hearing. The Inspectors have now received all of this information and will be writing to the Council in March 2021 to set out the next steps for the examination. Their letter will be published on the website.